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3D design using solidworks

  1.  3D Design SOLIDWORKS uses a 3D design approach. As you design a part, from the initial sketch to the final result, you create a 3D model. From this model, you can create 2D drawings or mate components consisting of parts or subassemblies to create 3D assemblies. You can also create 2D drawings of 3D assemblies. When designing a model using SOLIDWORKS, you can visualize it in three dimensions, the way the model exists once it is manufactured.

1.1 Solidworks part design

    Component Based One of the most powerful features in the SOLIDWORKS application is that any change you make to a part is reflected in all associated drawings or assemblies.
1.2 Solidworks explode sub assembly

1.3 Solidworks Explode assembly

1.4 Solidworks assembly

    Design Method Before you actually design the model, it is helpful to plan out a method of how to create the model. After you identify needs and isolate the appropriate concepts, you can develop the model: Create the sketches and decide how to dimension and where to apply relations. Sketches Select the appropriate features, such as extrudes and fillets, determine the best features to apply, and decide in what order to apply those features. Features Assemblies Select the components to mate and the types of mates to apply

  *Note: A model almost always includes one or more sketches and one or more features. Not all models, however, include assemblies.

  2. Sketches The sketch is the basis for most 3D models. Creating a model usually begins with a sketch. From the sketch, you can create features. You can combine one or more features to make a part. Then, you can combine and mate the appropriate parts to create an assembly. From the parts or assemblies, you can then create drawings. A sketch is a 2D profile or cross section. To create a 2D sketch, you use a plane or a planar face. In addition to 2D sketches, you can also create 3D sketches that include a Z axis, as well as the X and Y axes. There are various ways of creating a sketch. All sketches include the following elements:

- Origin In many instances, you start the sketch at the origin, which provides an anchor for the sketch.

2.1 origin

- Planes You can create planes in part or assembly documents. You can sketch on planes with sketch tools such as the Line or Rectangle tool and create a section view of a model. On some models, the plane you sketch on affects only the way the model appears in a standard isometric view (3D). It does not affect the design intent. With other models, selecting the correct initial plane on which to sketch helps you create a more efficient model. Choose a plane on which to sketch. The standard planes are front, top, and right orientations. You can also add and position planes as needed.

2.2 Plane

- Sketch Definitions Sketches can be fully defined, under defined, or over defined. In fully defined sketches, all the lines and curves in the sketch, and their positions, are described by dimensions or relations, or both. You do not have to fully define sketches before you use them to create features. However, you should fully define sketches to maintain your design intent. Fully defined sketches appear in black. 

By displaying the entities of the sketch that are under defined, you can determine what dimensions or relations you need to add to fully define the sketch. You can use the color cues to determine if a sketch is under defined. Under defined sketches appear in blue. In addition to color cues, entities in under defined sketches are not fixed within the sketch, so you can drag them. 

Over defined sketches include redundant dimensions or relations that are in conflict. You can delete over defined dimensions or relations, but you cannot edit them. Over defined sketches appear in yellow. This sketch is over defined because both vertical lines of the rectangle are dimensioned. By definition, a rectangle has two sets of equal sides. Therefore, only one 35mm dimension is necessary

-  Relations Relations establish geometric relationships such as equality and tangency between sketch entities. For example, you can establish equality between the two horizontal 100mm entities below. You can dimension each horizontal entity individually, but by establishing an equal relation between the two horizontal entities, you need to update only one dimension if the length changes. 

3. Features Once you complete the sketch, you can create a 3D model using features such as an extrude (the base of the faucet) or a revolve (the faucet handle)

4. Assemblies You can combine multiple parts that fit together to create assemblies. You integrate the parts in an assembly using Mates, such as Concentric and Coincident. Mates define the allowable direction of movement of the components. In the faucet assembly, the faucet base and handles have concentric and coincident mates.
                                                                         4.1 assembly

5. Drawings You create drawings from part or assembly models. Drawings are available in multiple views such as standard 3 views and isometric views (3D). You can import the dimensions from the model document and add annotations such as datum target symbols

5.1 Drawing



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