Mold Design using SolidWorks
Picture of mold tools
Mold tooling in solidworks is multi steps procces. Where you
must create part or model in the first. so many way to create molding core
cavity in SolidWorks.
1. open the file of part or you can import part to SolidWork
2. Repair file of part
- This step if your
part design have a some trouble in surface of part design. SolidWorks can
repair it use import fiture diagnostic.
3. Check the correct of draft design
- this steps used for checking mold tooling product. You can
use draft analysis fiture.
4 Repair the face (un-draft)
- If your product have some trouble in draft you can use
draft in command manager mold tools.
5. Scale
- The product design must bigger than the real product.
Because if the product opened, the product become smaller.
6. Setting parting lines
- parting lines must be create, it use to set parting
surface in the future.
7. Create shut-off surface for hole on pruduct
8. Create parting surface
9. Develop interlock surface
- taper face create to help locked mold tooling together if
it close. the angle of taper is 5 degre
10. Separate mold
tooling component
- the final steps of mold design is separate solid bodies
from product and from parting surface
11. Create individual part
12. Fit out of mold
- assembly mold will to join with other fiture like runners,
gates, mold base, cooling lines, etc.
This case study is show you how to create simple mold . on
the next articel i wiil show you the tutorial of making mold, so see you on the
next articel guys bye bye
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